Covid-19 has changed our way of life completely. Although it has impacted industries differently, it has certainly had an effect on every industry. It is a period of isolation and uncertainty for people around the world and we've seen a huge change in shopping behaviours. From panic bulk-buying to increased online shopping, people are changing what they’re buying, when, and how. This has been a catalyst for bricks and mortar shops to look to online solutions to keep their business going and for some industries to flourish while others struggle.
Is Online Shopping Safe?
All this has raised consumer questions around online shopping like if it is safe to receive products by post. Experts are finding that the virus can live on surfaces from three hours to up to three days. The length of time depends on the material. (conclusive findings are difficult to find as research continually develops so these numbers may change.) However the World Health Organization has addressed these concerns, by saying that it is safe to receive packages. “The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low.”
Grocery E-Commerce
One area where there has been a huge shift in purchasing behaviour is 'Grocery ecommerce' with data from Rakuten Intelligence showing a huge jump in grocery-related ecommerce. This outlines the change in people now ordering their groceries and either having them delivered or picking up via a 'click and collect' service.
Other E-Commerce Industries
'All e-commerce' covers various industries and products and the impact of Covid-19 on various industries is broken down clearly by Common Thread Collective
In Conclusion
There is lots of data out there but what does it actually tell us? From doing some research ourselves we think that it shows that consumers are adapting to an ever changing world during a time of great uncertainty.
Your customers are trying to adapt and as a business owner you are facing much of the same uncertainty, while also trying to support your customers and your own business needs. Your response to the ever-evolving situation will depend very much on your industry and audience. You understand your customers better than anyone and by having data on shopping behaviours you can continue to serve them as best you can.